Over the past few months we have had the privilege of photographing the various shifts at Macraes mine.
It has been a bit of a look into a workplace that is really interesting,
slightly nerve wracking (for a couple of newbies),
but totally photogenic.
When we started the project we were shown a book – “Through The Eyes Of A Miner – The Photography of Joseph Divis”
with some extraordinary images of west coast gold miners in the 20’s and 30’s.With those images in mind we not only photographed
the various groups within each shift we also shot a lot of candid images.Although we had more advanced equipment than Joseph Divis, we also had to contend with other advances in technology. Who knew the reflectorized tape on the overalls would light up like it was on fire ? However with the help of a good digital editor (thanks Tiff) and Photoshop all is well.
Enjoy a look through Frasers Underground mine.
Kerry and Barry